Canyon Hills Youth is designed to help middle school, junior high, and high school

students become fully devoted followers of Christ!


Wednesdays are the highlight of our weeks! While we love being a part of the community of church, we also love having a space JUST FOR US! We kick things off in the parking lot with outdoor games (plus FREE FOOD on the first Wednesday of every month) and then head upstairs to our Youth room for service.


Our goal is to help you build real friendships and community while also getting encouraged and challenged to live for Jesus in every way! And we love fun, lots of fun!

Join us in the parking lot at 6:30pm!


We believe that teenagers aren't meant for some back room of churches but to be seen and heard all throughout our churches! And Sundays are a great way to do that by finding out how God has created us with skills and gifts that benefit the world around us! Every Sunday our students are plugged into different areas of ministry throughout the church - everything from the Media Booth to our Preschool class (and a whole lot in between)! 


If you're new with us, you can find our Next Generations Director at our Canyon Kids check-in counter and get all of the details on how we can connect with you!

It all begins at 10:30am in the Sanctuary







Wednesday, October 30th | 6:30-8PM


Invite your friends out for a youth service to remember!

- Costume Contest

- Dinner on us

- A chance to win a $20 Starbucks gift card 

- A powerful gospel message!


Everyone who comes will receive two tickets for the raffle, and every additional friend you invite for the first time will get you an extra entry!




Saturday, November 16th | 2-4PM


Mashed potatoes, gravy, and cranberry sauce... oh my! We're getting ready for the annual Youth Group vs Youth Group Food Fight during the month of November and we are ready to bring this year's trophy home! 


Cost to enter: One canned food item (to add to our donation for the Local Homeless Shelter). 




Wednesday, December 18th | 6:30-8PM


If Elf spaghetti and smiling are your favorite, then you should make sure to come and bring your friends to our December Invite Night, Christmas Party edition! We are going to be talking about what makes us the jolliest (Hint: it's Jesus) while having loads of fun!


BYO Ugly Christmas Sweater!




Julius Peralta

Next Generations Pastor


We don't just believe that students are the NEXT generation,

we believe they are the NOW generation! 


The Bible never gives an age requirement to be a follower of Christ… in fact, Timothy is told not to consider his “youth” at all but instead to focus on being an example for others. (see 1 Timothy 4:12) Teenagers. The example. That’s what our Bible says. And we want to partner with parents to do just that!



Here's how you can keep up to date on all things Canyon Hills SLO Youth!



TEXT ALERTS: Text YOUTH to 805-321-1357 and follow the prompts to be added to our Youth Group Texts for all upcoming events. Super quick, super simple!


EMAIL: Send an email to and request to be added to the youth parent email for information about youth nights, what we're learning, how you can engage with your student, helpful resources for parents, and to stay informed about all of our events.


INSTAGRAM: Follow us - @canyonhills_sloyth - and see everything that we're up to!