The Poor
"If you help the poor, you are lending to the LORD—and he will repay you!" Proverbs 19:17
Did you know?
The current federal poverty level for a single adult is an annual income of equal to or less than $12,490, for a family of four it’s $25,750. In 2018 11.8% of our population or 38.1 million Americans lived below this line. Each month these people are often forced to choose between food, shelter and basic health services. The issue is a complex one and heavily influenced by factors such as education, family background and geographic context. Through CityServe, we are building partnerships locally and globally which meet immediate needs while also implementing sustainable change for a better future.
How can you make a difference?
Revive Outreach Ministry
Revive ministers to individuals and families in central Bakersfield who are facing challenges including addiction and homelessness. Revive is a loving and welcoming community of believers, empowering one another to grow in Biblical knowledge and freedom through Christ. We focus to elevate and encourage the lost and broken in our community, leading the way to a new identity in Christ.