The Widow
"Father to the fatherless, defender of widows—this is God, whose dwelling is holy." Psalm 68:5
Did you know?
-The average age of a widow is only 56 years old.
-Becoming a widow means nothing is the same (financially, socially, etc.)
-Widows lose 75% of their friendship network after losing a spouse.
-Half will not be attending the church they attended with their husband after one year of becoming a widow.
-One-third of widows meet the criteria for clinical depression in the first month after their husband's death.
The death of a spouse brings with it unimaginable grief and sorrow. God calls the church to walk alongside widows through this difficult season as they experience what can be the most agonizing pain in their lifetime. Through support groups and opportunities to develop genuine friendships, prayer, laughter, love and care, widows can be assured that they don't have to face their new normal alone.
How can you make a difference?
Lemons to Laughter
Many of the women who suffer the loss of a spouse want to connect, but they are unsure how to get started. Lemons to Laughter is a ministry of Canyon Hills that is designed to minister to women who are widowed. We want to connect with you and help you begin to build new friendships. Lemons to laughter is a meetup for widows to offer support and friendship to each other. Every month we gather together and plan various activities like luncheons, shopping trips and holiday parties.
GriefShare is a Hope Group for anyone who is wrestling with grief as a result of loss of a loved one. If you are struggling with grief, and would like to connect with people to help you walk through the season you are in, we would love for you to join us.
GriefShare meets seasonally on Tuesdays at Canyon Hills. To find out more about joining this group, email or click the link below.
Florence Gardens
Florence Gardens is an independent residence for seniors. The facility includes nearly 100 cottages and apartments situated adjacent to the Canyon Hills campus. The heart behind this project was to provide a safe and secure environment at an affordable living rate for seniors in our church and community, many of whom are widows or widowers. More than providing a place to live, Florence Gardens offers a community built on friendship and activities which engage its residents. For more information, call 661-873-0701.
Senior Sack
Each month, many seniors with a meager income are forced to decide which necessities to pay for; rent, prescriptions, food, etc. Many seniors struggle to make ends meet and are unable to afford nutritious meals. Senior Sack partners with local food banks to receive bulk food deliveries that seniors can come and receive free of charge twice a month. They also provide a warm cup of coffee and conversation for many who struggle with loneliness. Senior Sack operates out of Florence Gardens, our beautiful independent senior living facility right on the Canyon Hills campus in Bakersfield.